Thursday, May 24, 2007

How to render your dad speechless

Reality needs a soundtrack. That way I would be able to anticipate moments of terror before they happen. If tonight was a movie it would have looked something like this

Scene - Int - Dusk

Sounds of bathroom splashing, general family household noises in the background. Jordan a slightly precocious 4 yr old girl is having a bath and talking to her dad, who is a little tired from a warm day, but generally the mood is pleasant.

Can you condition my hair tonight?

Sure thing sweet

Will this make my hair soft?

It will be very pretty, and a lot easier to brush

A mildly sinister and foreboding note would happen at this point. Daddy is brushing her hair and finishing up her hair. Jordan reaches up and feels her hair and lays down in the tub.

What do you think? Softer?

Yes. Look, I'm a naked fashion girl.

(pause, dad is speechless and eventually he leaves the room trying not to laugh)
Daddy is looking at a 4 yr old who is turning in to a fully grown girl WAY too fast. In his mind she grows older and older faster than he can catch up with her. He is speechless, comes into the living room to tell his wife what she just said. The wife simply laughs at him as well.

Someone help me when this one turns into a teenager. She is fabulous and wonderful as they both (my girls) are. But the anticipation of this one between the years 2016 - 2023 is enough to scare the bejeebers out of me.

On the upside, I also love it when she comes up with things that make me laugh as much as they did tonight.


Urban said...

Oh my, would you LOOK at the fashionista?

di.di said...

they'll grow up in a blink of an eye.