Saturday, June 9, 2007

Bugs, Boys & Boobs

What a day. Since I have the girls for the weekend I thought I would take the Saturday to go down to Victoria for the day, visit some old friends and perhaps take the girls to a couple of sights. turned out fabulous and everybody had a great time.


First order of the day was the bug museum. Got halfway down to Victoria, called Linda to meet up at the Bug museum. Met up there and WOW. turns out that my youngest is scared of nothing. I stared in awe and she has more creepy crawly things crawling all over her than you can shake a stick at. The older, a little more cautious and preferring to watch from the other side of glass. Great fun and we loved the gift shop with all the salt and vinegar grasshoppers.

Then we all went off to Lunch (Love the Old Spaghetti Factory), and split off. The girls and I went to Miniature World (not bad, but certainly didn't stand up to Tarantulas and scorpions).


I mentioned that we were off to see a very old friend of mine (friends since 16) who has a couple of boys. It was at this point that a slightly exasperated Casey looks as me and asks why all of my friends with kids have only boys. At which point I thought about it and realized that she was absolutely right. Then she decided that since they have boys, they must have done it wrong. (Here you can imagine me falling to the ground on Government street in hysterics).


After the getting it wrong comment, we stop for some ice cream and are having a little sit down to enjoy it when there is the gentle tinkle of a bike bell. we turn to see the road filled with people riding their bikes in the buff. hundreds of hairy, gear changing testicles and breasts swinging like pendulums in the chilly wind and sleeting rain. Casey cocks her head to one side as we watch them go by, and in possibly the most dead-pan way I have ever heard asks "Daddy, why are all those people riding their bikes naked?" (really trying not to drop to the ground laughing again ... don't want them to take offence and start chasing me. That would be ... odd)

The rest of the day was spent hanging out and catching up at Jake's. What a fabulous time and an amazing way to end the day. We got home around 9 o'clock and tucking the girls to bed, Casey looks at me and thanks me for having such a great day.

By the way Shell ... I found Greebo ...

He is two weeks old, grey, currently named "Trouble" and we will have him in 10 weeks when he is ready to leave the nest. :)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Carefull what you wish for

Damn I am excited!!! So I am in the gantry, doing a little end of the year tidy as I am up to my eyeballs in research/course development/workshop building that if I look up another freaking reference my brain will gush out of my ears. That and the house hang/patch needs desperate tending to. But this is all beside the point. Mike comes to me and says that there is a lady here who went through the program ages ago who is interested in doing a bit of directing for us. I think, sure, no problem.

We start talking, she talks of a couple of fringe-style shows she's done. Cool, we say, then what else were you doing. Then she very casually mentions that she has been an art director/choreographer for Cirque du Soliel for ten years. so suddenly I am all over the idea of getting her in to work with the students. Taking her through the theatre and talking to her about some possible shows and staging, she is immediately looking up at rigging points and throwing ideas out about nets, ropes, silks, trapeze, clown, etc. All the while I am showing an exceptional amount of restraint, and desperately keeping myself from leaping up and down in the air and scaring her off.

Now, that all said, I have been extremely fortunate in the world of training and had opportunities galore which I am very thankfull for. There is however, one area that I feel I need to explore further, and that is in clown work. (not 'creepy guy blowing up balloon' clown, but real clown work, the kind whose tradition dates back almost 2,000 years, through roman mime, Del 'Arte, and Europe) With this lady working with Cirque (whose clowns have reached a legendary status), I ask if she knows anyone she would recommend to do some training with. she says of course and we exchange emails and now I am bouncing off the walls (almost literally) and exploding with possibilities for the students, for myself and for all kinds of show possibilities.

Damn I love this stuff.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Days I Love my job

The truth is that I thank my lucky stars most days for landing me where I am. Some days however shine out like stars that are just a little closer to home. Today was one of those days, due to a couple of moments in class.

Teaching an intro to acting class to a group of people, most of whom had never done anything like this before, was a little scary. I usually find that I am more comfortable around those with a cursory knowledge. Today however, people who were terrified of even standing in front of other people, wrote their own monologues, rehearsed them, learned them and performed them onstage. It was beautiful. It may not have been brilliant, but it was the world to them to see them recognize what they had accomplished.

Then giving them just a little bit of direction and watching the words they wrote and the characters they created come to life was an amazing feeling. They go on with their day and their lives don't change drastically, but perhaps there is a sense of ... ability, that wasn't there before.

I love moments like that.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Human luggage

So here's a scenario that everyone knows. Standing near the chute at the airport watching each piece of luggage come down waiting for yours. Cries of "Theirs mine" surrounding you and everyone bustling for a better position.

Segue: the government has now deemed it unsafe for two people to travel down a waterslide at the same time. This means that parents taking their kids down are no longer allowed. the local aquatic centre has lept over this hurdle by taking away any age restrictions to the waterslides. Now instead of dangerously holding on to your child as you ride down an inescapable tube of rushing water, you get to send them down on their own so they learn the values of fending for themselves against an uncontrollable onslaught of water carrying them head first/feet first/head first/feet first down a bright red plastic enclosure into a riptide waiting for them at the bottom.

Back to the luggage analogy. Now picture a bunch of parents bustling at the bottom of a group of waterslides as their little ones are scrambling for who goes next at the top. Cries of "There's mine!" has a definite ring of relief as parents see their kids being spit out of the mouth of the waterslide like a particularly foul tasting morsel.

I started laughing as it struck me that we were waiting with bated breath for our human luggage.